Words of Lizzardie

Sunday, July 29, 2001

Okay, so since I will be without internet now for the rest of the summer ( =( ) I thought I would post in my last hour of connectedness.

So, it's been a long weekend. Between packing and moving and a movie and a late night conversation and work and schoolwork....I'm almost happy that I'm off to class tomorrow morning. Okay, well, as happy as one can be knowing they have to go to class for the next four days. Here's a bright side - I'll be living with friends, so maybe I'll get to be more social. These past two months with the non-communicating guys kinda sucked in that area. But now it's over.

I really don't have anything else to say right now. I'm way too tired. Need sleep. Oh wait. I have work to do and more moving. Yippee....

- Lizzardie, at 6:53 PM Post Link

Thursday, July 26, 2001

Ahh, made it through the first round of prelims. Yippee!!! I don't know how well I did on them - these classes are certainly not as easy as my last two - but they're done. If I did poorly - well, I still have plenty of time to bring my grade up, right? That's the way I'm going to look at it. And, only 3 weeks of classes left!!! I'm certainly going to be glad to be done with classes, but I'm going to miss being in Ithaca, as well. Being here over the summer with good friends, having a good time, makes you never want to leave. Well, at least I don't want to leave for a long time. But perhaps I'm being silly, I don't know.

Now I have this move to worry about. Yuck. I hate moving. It's just really annoying, because I don't feel like I have a home anymore. Sure, there's my house in IL, but we've only lived there for 4 years (and it was only 2 years that we were there before I started college) and I'm never home anyways. Now, I'll be living in the 4th place (besides IL home) in 2 years. And within a month, I'll be in another new place. And then in January, I'll be in another new place.... I could go on and on and on. Okay, I'm young, so I don't really need a permanent location so much, but it would be nice to have all of my things in the same place, and to be able to unpack them. I swear, at home I have things that I haven't used in years. Just haven't gotten rid of them, because when I packed them up, I thought I might one day see them again. There's stuff in the attic, and in my closet.... it's ridiculous. And I feel bad asking people to help me, even though I've helped/plan to help the same people with their respective moves. It's weird.

I should go and do more packing/studying. How exciting....

- Lizzardie, at 8:57 PM Post Link

Tuesday, July 24, 2001

I'm experimenting with my page, so if you notice that none of the pictures/backgrounds are coming up, that's why....

- Lizzardie, at 6:48 PM Post Link

Monday, July 23, 2001

All right, the truth has come out. I've been able to keep this dark, hidden secret of mine quiet for the past two year - no one here at Cornell knew, but it couldn't stay secret for long. I might as well enlighten you all now, as it's just not fair for a few to know the truth. Here goes. *Liz takes a deep breath.* I'm a complete klutz. Yes, I know, I know, the truth hurts, but I just felt you all should know. (I should end the drama now, huh?) Yesterday, I went to Burger King with Amy and managed to spill all of my large coke all over her and her food. It was quite a sight. Luckily, Amy has a wonderful sense of humor and felt that the whole thing was very amusing, even though she felt completely ridiculous in her soggy wet clothes. It helped, of course, that the wonderful people at Burger King gave her brand new food. I felt absolutely horrible, though. I thought that was the end of my klutziness, but I was wrong. This morning I spilled orange juice all over the floor in class. Yuck. The worst part as that by the end of class the orange juice combined with the humidity produced an absolutely horrid smell. Yuck (again). The coke incident can be blamed on a hangover, I suppose, but I really don't think I had an excuse this morning. Such is life.

I have tests this week. I should be studying now, but you all know my study habits (or lack thereof). Luckily, that is the only work I have this week. Yipee! That really leaves more time to prepare for my move this weekend. I really hate packing, but it has to be done. The reason I hate it so much is because I'm forever organizing and reorganizing my stuff to get the optimal fit (I think this is really why I'm an OR major - major perfectionist, right here). A list of things to be packed, things going to CT, things I wish I could bring home to IL, what I will do with the stuff I'm not bringing to CT, etc.... keeps running through my head. I keep wanting to get up and pack more stuff, even though I've got a lot done and I really should be studying. It's way, way too distracting. And how in the world am I going to get it all to the new apartment? And to the third floor? Yikes. If you're in Ithaca, and have a car, or just like moving heavy boxes, let me know, I'd love the help (and will somehow repay you, believe me).

And then there's the whole birthday thing. For some reason, I don't really like my birthday. I think it's because I think it should be the one day of the year where everything goes my way, but that's never the case. Plus, I don't expect anyone to plan a celebration for me (actually, it's more that deep down, I'd feel guilty if someone did), so I need to plan my own celebration. Now, I don't mind making plans ahead of time. But everyone else I know....no offense, of course, I just like to know what's going on, so that I know I won't be sitting home by myself on my birthday. That's understandable, right??? I think so. 20 years old. Wow. I remember when I was 10 - I was so excited to be a whole decade old. Now I'm going to be 2 decades and it means nothing now. What a difference 10 years makes. Now, my birthday NEXT YEAR, on the other hand....

All right, enough about me (ha! that's what this whole thing is, right?). I'm going to study now. Or play computer games. Wish me luck on my tests!!!

- Lizzardie, at 11:52 PM Post Link

Friday, July 20, 2001

I've been a slack about updating recently. I knew it had to happen eventually. I know myself better than anyone else I know (of course, duh) and I know that while I may do something with lots of momentum in the beginning, I eventually get kind of bored unless I am restimulated. So....of course blogging is no difference. I'm still updating every couple of days, though, and I originally promised to update at least once a week, so I'm on track. Yay!!!

All of a sudden, I've become super busy. That trip to Albany last week was a big mistake, I've decided. Not only did I not have a good time (this is no one's fault but my own, though, really) I wasn't able to spend any time over the weekend on my classes. Not good. Now, I have prelims on Tuesday and Thursday and I don't think I'm quite prepared. Hopefully, work won't be too busy tomorrow so I can get some work done. Otherwise, it will be a work marathon on Sunday. Yay (said dripping with sarcasm, of course).

I also have this impending move. I was pretty worried about it - didn't know when I would have time to pack up my stuff or anything. BUT, since I never really unpacked much of my things, there isn't as much to pack up now. So....I actually got quite a bit done and my stuff is pretty well sorted into things that need to go with me to CT and things that I need to store someplace in Ithaca (or bring with me if it comes down to that - hopefully it won't!). I'm also hoping that my things will fit into my soon-to-be-purchased car (side note: I know I go on and on about the car, but I've never had a car to myself for more than about 3 weeks, so the idea of my own car is pretty exciting to me. Please cut me slack!).

Luckily, the whole move thing is next week. This is this week, that is next week. So, so far away, right? RIGHT??? Tonight I have more packing/work to do, tomorrow is work, then malling with Amy, then party at Amy's. I shouldn't worry about prelims or moving right now.....

- Lizzardie, at 10:48 PM Post Link

Monday, July 16, 2001

Has anyone heard the new Fuel song, "Bad Day"? It's so, so good. I don't know why I like it so much, as it's pretty depressing. But, I think I kind of identify with it a little. The beginning seems to be about this girl who's having a bad day (duh) but not really for particular reason - it's just that every goes wrong. And lately, when I'm having a bad day, it's just like that. I guess I could be wrong about the meaning, but hey, that's how it makes me feel.

The theme of the weekend could have been, Had a Bad Weekend, though, that's for sure. I'm not sure how it happened, but nothing went according to plan and now pretty much everyone wants to kill everyone else. Not good. I still have this sinking feeling in my stomach, but I'm not exactly sure what I did wrong and I wish someone could tell me. I know what other people did wrong. I could pick out very many events this weekend and pinpoint whose fault they were. But I know that I've done something wrong, because otherwise I wouldn't feel this way. I'd just feel disappointed or I would be feeling sorry for someone(s). It's so, so irritating. Ugh, at this point, I just want to say, it happened, it sucked, but it's over. It just feels like it's not going to be that easy. I did get in some quality drinking and shopping time, but even those events were marred by other things. I suppose I should just try not to leave Ithaca for the rest of the summer, since my one foray into other cities (even if it was all still in NY) was a complete disaster. Damn it all. I hope my trip home next month is more fun than this was.

- Lizzardie, at 11:59 PM Post Link

Friday, July 13, 2001

So, it has come to my attention that I will only be 20 on my birthday. Okay, I actually knew that, but very many people have been thinking that I will be 21 and I don't know why. So I thought I would clarify. It's quite depressing, really. Most of my friends are now either 21 or turning 21 and here I am, still 19. Quite sad and depressing. I'll get over it.

I had dinner with Natalie and Denise tonight. Finally got to see Natalie's finished apartment. It's gorgeous, which is awesome, because I'll be moving in there in 2 weeks. Yeah, I am nowhere near ready to move out of this apartment and I have no idea what I am going to do. Pray, I suppose.

Tomorrow I leave for Albany. I'm really hoping that this trip will be a lot of fun. I could use a lot of fun (even though I've gone out somewhere 4 out of the last 5 nights - I'm easily bored, what can I say?). Shopping, gossiping, drinking (maybe?) - good times for one and all. Woohoo!

So, here's the ironic part of my day. I finally swallowed my pride and went and applied for a short-term loan from the university. What can I say - I have no money and something needed to be done. Then, I check my bursar bill this evening, and guess what? My loan disbursed today. So, the whole swallowing my pride thing was unnecessary. Dammit, because it took me a lot to get to the point where I could admit that I really needed more money, for rent and food and such. Such is life, I suppose.

- Lizzardie, at 1:00 AM Post Link

Wednesday, July 11, 2001

Hmm, it's been quite a few days since I wrote anything. There hasn't really been anything to tell, though. Sunday Amy and I made one of those great veggie pizzas that we like so much and then we watched Save the Last Dance. It was a okay - your typical teen movie, though, I suppose. I started my new classes - they're okay. My instructor for one of them is a former TA of mine, which is kind of cool. Always good when the instructor already knows your name (especially when it's going to come time for recommendations). I have no idea what's going on in either class, though. Oh, well - hopefully I'll figure it out soon. I saw Tomb Raider with Herb and Mariam yesterday and then went to play chess with Herb at Stella's. The movie was okay - very little blood for an action movie (although the knife and the blood - *shudder*). I'm not a huge Angelina Jolie fan, but she was okay as well - not too annoying. Chess was cool - I've always wanted to learn how to play, and it's cool that someone actually wanted to teach me how to play. =) Other than that, things are dull as usual. I'm going to Albany this weekend to visit Jaclyn with Amy and her roommate, so hopefully that will be fun (everything has seemed to go wrong lately with the trip, so who knows, but I'm trying to be optimistic). My friends are all back in town (obviously, since I've been spending time with them) so I've been in and out. Will most likely be eating out the next two nights as well. Gotta love when people are willing to make me dinner. =)

- Lizzardie, at 1:40 PM Post Link

Saturday, July 07, 2001

"Nowadays most people....discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one's mistakes." -- Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

This quote is so appropriate for my quotes collection, but this book is filled with some great one-liners. Take this, for instance. "They say that when good Americans die they go to Paris." "Really! And where do bad Americans go to when they die?" "They go to America." I love it! Here's my favourite (gotta go with the English spelling right now!) though: "But must we really see Chicago in order to be educated?" I certainly vote yes! I'm not very far into this book, but so far, it's great. I think I'll recommend it to you all.

- Lizzardie, at 3:11 PM Post Link

Friday, July 06, 2001

"Fall, 2001 - In Absentia" - this is the newest choice of semesters for my grade reports. It manages to make the whole leaving for a semester more real. I thought the summer would do that, but the summer has just made me want to stay here forever. And now I'll have to leave. =( You all can bet that I will be visiting Ithaca as often as I can afford the gas money.

So....there was a full moon tonight. I don't know why I mention this - there's a full moon once a month. But it was really pretty - I should take more notice of these things, I suppose. I hope you were all able to catch it. =)

Tomorrow I will go and lay down $360 for books for two classes. How ridiculous is this? Funny, this is for the books for half a semester - Cornell budgets $300 for books for a whole semester. How unfair. Anyway, today I had to make a choice on the matter. I either go to pay for my books by check, or I do a balance transfer now to make enough room on my credit card to buy them that way. It would seem like a better idea to just pay by check (takes less effort) but I realized that I would be better off if I payed off my credit card enough to buy the books. Why? Because I have a payment due in less than 2 weeks and if I didn't do this now, I won't have the money to make the payment. Now I really won't be paying for my books until the middle of August, right when my classes will be ending. Geez, I don't remember the last time I had this little money. I think it was back when I was still receiving $10/week from my parents as allowance/lunch money. Those were the days, I suppose, when that's all I needed, because my parents would take care of feeding me my other meals. Now I look and go, can the food I have in my kitchen sustain me for 2 weeks? Probably not. Guess I will have to spend my last 50 dollars on food. What a life. When will my loans go through????

On a brighter note, my A+ in accounting was pretty much confirmed today. Got a 136/140 on the final, and I think the prof just looked to see if we did the last 3 homeworks and gave us hundreds (our TA decided to take off to NJ a week before classes ended - I don't know why). So, my end average, with everything weighted correctly, was a 98.6. Gotta love that! Yeah, yeah - I've been complaining for weeks about how easy this class was, but really, in the end, my GPA is greedy for the A+. Can't help it, as an A+ is an A+ any way you look at it.

- Lizzardie, at 1:30 AM Post Link

Wednesday, July 04, 2001

So....I made it through OR350 and OR360. I can't say that these classes were particularly difficult, and given that I would have had to have totally bombed the finals to do poorly in the classes (and I don't think that it's possible for me to have done that) I'd say that I guess they were a success. I figure that now that they're over, I should stop complaining about how easy they were. I know you all appreciate that. =) Remember, though, that I start two new classes on Monday, and at that time the complaining will probably restart with a vengeance. Ahh, gotta love summer classes....

I was talking with Jaclyn today, and I realized that I'm a quarter through my junior year. How did this happen??? I mean, it seems like yesterday I was still a young and naive freshman. Now I'm a jaded junior, which is only slightly better than an extremely jaded senior. Summer kills the usual Cornell spirit, I swear. I'm beginning to really like this place. This is possibly because I'm seeing it at a time when it's absolutely gorgeous (gorges?) and I have very little work. I realize that I'm really, really going to miss being here this fall. Any money I have left after the purchase of a vehicle next month will probably go to gas money in order for me to travel to Ithaca as often as possible (now who's going to let me crash on their couch/floor? anyone, anyone?). It's quite sad, really. As I've said since the summer started, despite the boredom, everyone should really spend a summer in Ithaca. I think it's like a time warp or something. Time stands still, and suddenly the people who are here to share the time with me have become my closest friends (not to diminish the friendships of the people who aren't here - I still love you all, as well!!!). Quite odd, yet wonderful at the same time.

Speaking of boredom, though, I think that will classify the next 5 days. Pretty much everyone I know here has either skipped town for the holiday or is working. Damn them all, right? I'll find something to do, really, really I will. Or not.... Today I slept pretty much all day. I really don't know if I was that tired, because I've been getting pretty decent amounts of sleep (especially considering I had class at 8:30 a.m. 4 days a week...and that I went to every one of them!), or if it was just the general sleep after a final or just boredom. Who knows. I hope I don't sleep away the next couple of days. I would like to work on my tan, but I don't know if the weather will be good for that (although the last couple of days at around 70 have been most welcome!). Reading, I could do some reading. I don't know what I'll read, though. I'll probably continue to work on the reformatting of the site (into possibly a more readable version - I know that will make some of you happy). I have to go and buy new textbooks, but I'm putting that off as long as possible (freshman year I was spending 400/semester on books, now I'm spending 400/half of semester - how much does that suck?). I do have to clean my kitchen. It's a disaster right now and I'm not sure how that happened. I'll probably do that tomorrow. Yes, pretty much every year previously I have gone to a barbeque on the 4th of July, but this year, on our grand nation's 225th birthday, I will be cleaning my kitchen. What a world, what a world. Hmm, I'm stealing lines from the Wizard of Oz again. Not good.

- Lizzardie, at 1:27 AM Post Link

Sunday, July 01, 2001

I feel like typing, so I'm just going to ramble for awhile. Feel free to ignore me.

Tomorrow is my last day of classes for the first summer term. I have this feeling inside that's something like, that's it? Never before have I felt so little accomplishment. Maybe it will come later. But, in 6 weeks, I think I've stayed up late doing homework twice, and even then that meant that I didn't get to bed until 2. Ridiculous. The last two weeks of the spring semester I was going to bed at 3 every night. I'm looking at an A+ in at least one of my classes, possibly both. And yeah, I've gotten A+'s before, but they were in intro Italian. Big deal. I just wish that I deserved these grades, that's all, but since I've put so little work into the classes, I feel like I don't. Maybe it is that I'm just that smart, but these are the co-op classes. Aren't these supposed to be the best,the brightest, the most ambitious of the OR majors? I still don't get it. Maybe things will change with the new classes, and hopefully I won't be too used to the lax schedule I've adopted.

I think I've had a realization, though. I've had all these talks with Amy about my classes and how easy they are, what I'm getting out of them, what I want to get out of them, what I want to get out of my Cornell education. It hit me today that I've been relying on my professors to teach me everything I need to know about these subjects. And yes, I come out of my classes knowing more than I did when I went in to them. But still, most of the time, I come out going, that's it? I thought there was more. Never have I question that. But now I realize that there is more, I just haven't been going out to find it. And that's probably what I need to do. If I want to learn more, I have to actually put the time in to do so. Funny how it works that way.

- Lizzardie, at 10:22 PM Post Link

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